Noralee Cole has been coaching and mentoring people for more than 30 years. As a Toastmaster, she quickly learned the art of speaking and helped numerous people advance their speaking careers and hone their leadership skills. Notably, Noralee coached Keerthi Karnati to win the District International Speech competition in 2017 against nine men, the first woman to do so in ten years. She coached a manager for the Department of Public Health in presenting a special award to the Director at a national convention. Noralee had the privilege of leading a team to present communication skills at the Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center for five years.

When you choose Noralee as your coach, you will find a compassionate listener with the experience to assist you in moving from adequate to excellent in living your dash life.



Hear from Noralee’s Client’s!

Noralee was my first coach ever and if not for her, I wouldn’t be the speaker that I am today. It is one thing to tell you what you can improve upon, but it is another thing to show you how to do that. One of Noralee’s best qualities is tailoring the coaching to suit the needs and abilities of who she is coaching. Noralee’s gentle, yet incredibly effective coaching helped me break my mold and overcome many of my self-limiting beliefs. Her words, “If you do not believe in yourself, borrow my belief in you.” changed my life forever. Noralee equipped me with the ability to identify the feedback that strengthened me as a speaker and let go of the feedback that did not promote my authenticity. Noralee’s guidance has been a game changer for me and she continues to lead by example every single time I interact with her. I hope I grow up to be kind, compassionate, and giving just like Noralee.

     ~Keerthi Karnati, 2017 District 39 International Speech winner.


I can testify to Noralee’s wonderful ability to lead, motivate and inspire individuals to be their best. I had a very personal interaction with her as she mentored me in a new role. She inspired me with the importance of my role and the belief that I could perform the role with excellence. I will forever be grateful to Noralee as my mentor, my friend, and my inspiration in my journey towards excellence. She is a precious jewel to be treasured.



Like many others,  I was never fond of public speaking, but thanks to Noralee, I have learned so much as a Toastmaster and have become a much better speaker. She was my advisor, cheerleader, trainer, and friend, all in one. As a mentor, she was very knowledgeable, attentive, respectful, and gracious when giving feedback. She was always kind and encouraging as she helped me improve my public speaking skills.


Ready to go from Adequate to Excellent?

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